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5 Simple Tips for Reaching Educators

It's no surprise that the last 6 months have led to an increase in demand for EdTech solutions in the K-12 market. While an increasing number of companies are entering the space, it still promises a massive opportunity. For earlier stage companies, teachers may be the way to get your foot in the door and compete with more established providers.

So how do you reach teachers? As most marketers will tell you, it’s all about targeting and communicating properly to the right segment. Remember that educators are not a one size fits all group. Some are early tech adopters and are always looking for new tools to try. Others are more resistant to change and are now finding themselves with no choice but to adapt. While teachers may not control large district budgets, they do have purchasing power. They're also advocates for products they love and influence administrators' buying decisions.

If marketing to teachers sounds like the right approach for you, here are 5 simple and effective tips:

1. Imagine a Teacher's Everyday Journey

Before you create any marketing campaigns, understand your target market. Do your homework and understand their routines, struggles, and motivations to come up with an effective marketing communication strategy. Try building relationships with your targeted audience and even interviewing them to build an understanding of what teaching or leading is really like.

2. Go Social

Many teachers spend their time both personally, and professionally, on social media. Use social media to share success stories, to showcase your product and engage with others. Social media is a long term game, but the quickest and easiest way to gain influence is to share value, be consistently present and engage with communities of your target audience.

3. Integrate

Having an integrated marketing plan is still the key to success. While it is effective to focus your efforts on channels or tactics that perform best, being omnipresent using multiple platforms can maximize your reach. Remember to be consistent with your messaging, regardless of the channel you’re using.

4. Timing Matters

Timing is everything. Remember that in targeting educators, there are specific times, days, and occasions during the year that can help you get the best attention from your audience. If you've done your homework and thought through what a teacher's day looks like, you won't be surprised by the active Twitter chats that teachers chime in on in the evening. Running social or email campaigns in the right place, at the right time, for the right people set is the key to having a successful marketing initiative.

5. Don’t Forget, Content is Still King!

Content is still the heart of the most successful marketing. Behind every successful brand is a collection of valuable and relevant content that educates, entertains, and inspires your audience. Once you’ve mastered the art of creating AND repurposing good content, you’ll be able to build lasting relationship with educators.

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